Thursday, March 31, 2011

Loving My Choice

A few years ago, I visited my newly married cousin at his first apartment. Wedding pictures of him and his beautiful bride covered the walls, but something else caught my eye. There was a tile on top of a bookcase in their living room that said:

"Choose your love. Love your choice."

I've since seen that saying elsewhere and its importance is reinforced in my mind every single time.

The title of this blog, "Loving My Choice," is to serve as that reminder. When we received the results of that first semen analysis in July 2010, our relationship took a major blow. I made the choice that day, though, that I would do everything I could to make my husband feel loved, worthy, good enough, righteous, and help him to know that no matter what, we are in this together. He needed to know that I chose him, and I would continue to choose him every single day without fail. He needed to know that it was an easy choice to make, every time.

There is often the temptation to place blame, or claim the blame and feel guilty in this situation. This blog is our attempt to overcome that temptation, tackle this trial head-on, as a couple. We also want it to serve as a resource for finding joy in the journey that is infertility, because the bad days are inevitable, but the good days can be so, so sweet. 

1 comment:

  1. HI there,
    Really sorry that you have to be dealing with all of this. It is really hard. Male factor infertility is such a difficult path to navigate as a wife, and as a couple. There is a really amazing community of couples dealing with similar issues here. I hope that you find as much support as I have. I'd definitely recommend checking the blogroll and pursuing some of those stories.

    I have to say that your blog is SO cute. I love the design and I love the title. I never knew that it was possible to love my husband do fiercely. This hasn't been an easy past few years, but I have gained so much respect and admiration for the man I married. I love 'my choice' more every day.

    Good luck on your journey!
    and Welcome!
